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My eminiscalp method will amaze you. If you ever had a problem entering a trade because you lacked the confidence, my method may be just what you need. With practice, you could become a disciplined trader and trade with confidence. Please, don’t get me wrong, there will be stops. All traders get stopped out, it is a fact. But, the eminiscalp method can give you the confidence you need to enter your next trade.
Confidence and discipline depend on the trader. Trading is not an easy profession, it does take effort. Screen time, focus, discipline and a plan are a few of the tools needed to trade successfully. The eminiscalp method may be the plan you need.
The EMINISCALP package consists of our ATA method as well as our LTD method, along with the entry methods for the YM,TF and NQ.
A very nice combination of entries that are easily identifiable which can be used separately or together. When you get an LTD and an ATA signal, that is a strong entry. Combinations like this are frequent and make this package very consistent.
Our EMINISCALP ELITE package includes the EMINISCALP package, as above,(ATA and LTD) as well as our PLUS method.
With this package you have it all. Taking advantage of all market moves is our goal and this package certainly fits the bill.
Our EMINISCALP LTD, using a 4 tick stop, if purchased separately, is a stand alone method. This entry method is simple and consistent. As explained on the EMINISCALP LTD page, this entry method came about as a result of trading our original EMINISCALP entries. INCLUDES LTD setups for the NQ,YM and TF, as well as our mainstay, the ES. Really nice.
The PLUS is one of our original methods that offers nice setups in crucial areas. The PLUS is a very simple but effective method with setups that happen all day long. Utilizing a 4-5 tick stop with well defined profit targets, the PLUS is a very nice method.
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